Programming Merit Badge
The LEAGUE Tech Club runs free one hour classes that satisfy the project requirements for the BSA Programming Merit Badge. Three one hour classes will teach Scouts to program in three different languages and environments, the requirements for 5a, b, c & d. Scouts can take these free classes on their own, or your Troop can schedule a class for the whole troop.
Introduction to Python Programming
Introduction to Javascript Programming
Introduction to Java Programming
Robotics and Microcontrollers
The classes we offer are:
- Introduction to Python. In this hour long introduction, students will learn the basics of python, the world’s most popular programming language. We will start with turtle graphics, then learn about variables, loops, functions, lists and strings.
- Introduction to Java. The Hour of Java class not only introduces students to Java, the most popular language in business, FIRST Robotics and AP Computer Science classes, but also to using professional tools like GitHub and Visual Studio Code.
- Introduction to Javascript. Similar to our Python and Java classes, but taught in the language of the Web, Javascript.
- Introduction to Microbit. Students will learn to program a tiny computer, the BBC Micro:bit, to display lights, play music, and send messages through a wireless network, using multiple languages like Blockly, Python and Javascript.
- Introduction to AI. Learn about neural nets and generative and train an image recognition system.
Schedule a Group Event
Are you interested in scheduling a series of classes for your troop, or for troops in your area? Please fill out the form below.
If you have any other comments or questions, please contact our Executive Director, Eric Busboom, at, or (619) 889-7571.