How to Enroll in LEAGUE Classes
To start attending classes, you will need to create an account for you and your children, purchase a plan or passes, then enroll in classes. This guide will explain how to get started with classes.

Create an Account
First thing is you will need a Pike13 Account, which you can create from the button below.
Be sure to create the account for yourself, then add all of your children who will be attending classes as dependents. Wheb you first create an account, you will be offered to add your children, but you can also, from your profile page, click on “+Manage Another Person” to add a sub account for your students.
Plans & Passes
Once you have an account, you will need a Plans and Passes for you to pay for classes.
Plans are memberships that recur monthly. You will be charged for the membership each month.
- Monthly Membership. $260 / month. This is our new membership plan that offers up to 5 visits per month for Python and Java Classes, online or in-person. This is a newer plan that replaces the Monthly Tuition Plan.
- Tech Club Membership. Free. This is a free Membership that you should get to attend free Tech Club classes.
- Monthly Tuition. $260/month. This is the previous membership plan that offers 1 visit per month. It’s an older plan that we will stop selling soon.
Passes pay for classes one at a time.
- Class Pass. $65/class. You can also purchases passes for individual classes.
- Beta Test. Free. A complimentary pass for you to try out a class.
To purchase plans or passes, visit the Plans and Passes page. ( the link only works if your are logged in. ) When you purchase a plan or pass, be sure to assign it to one of your students on the “Who is this for?” page.
Enrolling in Classes
Enrolling in a Class
Visit our Classes page to find a weekly class. Use the Month view to see all of the classes in the month.
Now that you have your account with your students added to the account, and a Plan or Pass, you can enroll in classes.
Bulk Enrolling
Our Python and Java classes are weekly, but you’ve probably only registered for one! On your first class, your instructor will ask you if you want to be bulk enrolled in all classes of the same day in time. That is, if your first class in Tuesday at 3:30, we can enroll you in all classes at Tuesday at 3:30. You can also email us and we will bulk enroll you immediately. ( Edit the email to let us know if you want to enroll in the same day and time as your first class, or a different day and time. )
Canceling a Class
Please cancel classes if your student can make them. If you do not cancel, a visit will be deducted from your plan or pass.
- Sign in to the Client Portal.
- Under Upcoming, click the name of the appointment you wish to cancel your registration for.
- Click Cancel Registration, and then choose OK.
Scheduling a Make-Up after Canceling
After you cancel a class, you will be issued a Make-up Pass, which you can use on another visit. Return to the scheduling page for the class you want to enroll in, and enroll in the class. For “Which pass or plan do you want to use for this?” select the pass you wish to use.
We no longer offer Make Up classes as separate labs. Instead, you can simply enroll your student in another class, during the same week, or a different week.